Sunday 4 December 2011

The beginning, i.e. my first post (welcome to my blog)

Lately I am going 2.0: I opened a Facebook account for work reasons, I’m using Twitter (same reasons), I already had a LinkedIn account, what else could I need to be a happy man? A blog of course!

Just kidding: the only reason I decided to open this blog is to keep track of my incoming experience in Canada. As we are basically made up of our past and present experiences, recording them somewhere may be useful, at least to read in some years time from now what I was writing, just to say “What a fool I was”.

I said in some years, but I don’t even know if this blog will be still open in some months: it’s survival is strictly related to my work survival.

I’m going to Canada by myself, with no job offer, only wielding a piece of paper that should grant me a temporary work permit. That paper, together with my perseverance, will be my only weapon in a battle I already know won’t be easy at all.
I have never had a romantic vision of North America, as the land of the opportunities. Now I believe that idea probably died in 2008 in everybody's mind with the credit crunch.
I’ll carry no illusions together with my baggage: I know it’ll be hard.

As a language for this blog I’ll try to stick as much as possible to English, since in my years spent in Ireland (and some months in Wales) I got friends who speak no Italian.
Nevertheless, I may occasionally use Italian, especially if it’s a post about Italy.

When I was a high school student and had to write an essay, I didn’t even think about the content: once chosen the topic I used to start and going on writing and writing, with no idea on what I would place two lines below. Ideas were coming out continuously and spontaneously from my mind, as if the essay was already written in my subconscious.
I hope somehow to revive that kind of magic to write this blog, since honestly I don’t even know how I will develop it, whether it will be a kind of diary, an account on Canadian society, or anything else.
The same applies to life: I have yet to find the right path for myself, since at the corner shop crystal balls went out of stock.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Lao Tzu -

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